Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Monday, March 21, 2011
1 year!
my one year aniversery of this blog is on saturday HOLY MOLY! Well we have to celebrate.. if you have any ideas for something I should post HOLLA IT AT ME! I'm up for anything! Go crazy!
Friday, March 18, 2011
There are so many people in this world, so many people that I will soon meet or never meet. That frightens me. What if I walk past the love of my life every day and don't even know it? Or what if I never meet the one? I hate that we are told to wait till love finds you, when truly I want to find love. Sometimes I think that when you are feeling something you should take advantage of it before it leaves. Don't wait around for him/her to confront you because the chances of that happening are very slim, go leap for it! Its always worth a shot, even if you get let down at least you know what his/her feelings are towards you so your not laying in bed every night thinking about it. I've decided its time for me to take that leap.. I'm going to ask him straight up how he feels and if I get let down so be it, at least I know. 

"Stay Calm and Carry On"
Sunday, March 13, 2011

"Dirt and glitter cover the floor
We're pretty and sick
We're young and we're bored"
We're pretty and sick
We're young and we're bored"
Some times being a teenager can suck.. but then there are those moment that you wish would never end. Be happy your young, don't grow up to fast because there is way to much ahead. This weekend has been so great... it really opened my eyes on how great life can be. Partying all weekend after a crazy stressful week was just what I needed and now I'm out of my funk and back on top.
Monday, February 21, 2011
Well I'm really sorry that I said I would tell you what had happened in an hour but now its been 2 days and I'm finally telling you. PLEASE FORGIVE ME!!
so basically, i found out that a girl that I thought I was friends with talks so much shit behind my back. I was always so nice to her, I never did anything mean, so why go and talk shit? If you don't like me take it up with me, if i offended you take it up with me. Don't talk to other people who probably don't even know me. Like are you serious? It just pisses me of that people do that kind of stuff. I'm not perfect, I've talked behind peoples backs before but never like that and never about someone for no reason.
so basically, i found out that a girl that I thought I was friends with talks so much shit behind my back. I was always so nice to her, I never did anything mean, so why go and talk shit? If you don't like me take it up with me, if i offended you take it up with me. Don't talk to other people who probably don't even know me. Like are you serious? It just pisses me of that people do that kind of stuff. I'm not perfect, I've talked behind peoples backs before but never like that and never about someone for no reason.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Why hello there!
Have you guys ever realized that we base our lives so much on pop culture, and being like the celebs that our brains aren't completely in reality?
Everyone wants to be famous! I want to be famous. I always question it though, like why would I ever want to be famous? Being famous obviously has its up and downs.. but lately I've been seeing a lot of downs! There are soo many celeb couples, that almost always end in divorce or the younger stars always seem to end up getting into some kind of trouble with the law. So why is it that we strive for that fame? Why do we want to be just like these people? We want the attention. We want people following us, asking for autographs, hanging our pictures on there wall. Yes, I want to be famous.. like I honestly really do. But then I think of all the bad that comes with the fame and i reconsider it. But hey! I'm not famous .. so I guess I truly wouldn't know.
Sorry I've been gone guys. I've been very busy lately, I hope this was a good first post in a long time!
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
I can run ten miles a day and eat like a health freak.. yet nothing ever changes. IM SO SICK OF IT. I know this is contradicting considering I've talked about loving your self and the body you have.. and I do believe in that but its hard sometimes when you see super skinny girls all around you and then you look in the mirror and hate yourself. I'm honestly ready for all this to change, I want to grow into my body but I know its not going to happen because I'm 15 years old 5'1 AND DONE GROWING. It sucks. So I know to make things change I'm going to have to push for it so I can be happy and be able to look in the mirror and smile... so I can stop feeling like the fat loaf in the middle of all my beautiful skinny friends.
I'm done with waiting. I'm done with feeling like this.
I'm ready for change.
Sunday, January 16, 2011
I don't understand why people say things like "thats gay" or "your so gay" 1. an inanimate object can not have a sexual preferance and 2. if you say "your so gay" your assuming that that person likes the same sex which IS NOT a bad thing.. so why are you saying it negatively?

This is not showing up well on the blog but it does on the other websites!
My friend and I had a little NOH8 and FCKH8 photo shoot... i edited this picture and I want an opinion on which one you think I should post on the campaigns website! So please take a look at them and comment which one you think I should post.
^These are the campaign websites... the NOH8 one you can submit your own photos (which is what I am going to do) Its really awesome.. and they have open photo shoots all the time all around the country.
Thanks guys! Sorry I haven't been updating to much
Photo 1

Photo 2

Photo 3 (unedited)

Sunday, January 2, 2011
New Year.
I hate living in a old reputation, I want people to see who I really am.. I'm done being something I thought people would want me to be. I'm in highschool... junior high is over, its in the past and I want it to stay like that. I made a lot of mistakes in the junior high, I turned myself into a fake bitch.. I pretended to be someone I really wasn't. I want people to see the true me now. I'm not afraid of what people think of me anymore, my true friends will be the ones who will stick with me no matter what and won't care how I dress or act. They will love me for the true me not the fake one. So this year 2011, I'm starting over.
Hey I'm Geena, art and theatre are my passions. I love photography, painting, drawing, dancing, singing, acting. I love my friends and family more then anything. I find the beauty in everything a normal eye would deem ugly. I may say I'm bored but I never truly am. I find people watching so interesting, and sometimes I wish I could just go up to a random person and ask if I could take their picture. My mind wonders off 24/7 and I like to draw out what I dream. My thoughts all turn into art work and my writing really speaks the truth. I love the feeling of love but I hate when it ends, drama is the worst but I manage to get in it a lot. I wish my name was Cleo and I think everyone is beautiful in many different ways. Nice to meet you.
So tell me about yourself... I want to know things about everyone that reads my blog!
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