Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Today was one of the most emotionally draining days ever. I spoke a little about the names program before, but today was the day I got to participate in it. They took half of the freshman class and put us all in the auditorium at the beginning we heard a couple upperclassmen speak about there experiances in names and Troy, the guy who puts this all together spoke a little bit to. After that we went with our advisories into break out sessions, where we go to a classroom have a snack, talk a little and do a work sheet. Once that was over we went back into the auditorium for 2 and a half hours and we did a thing called open mic. It was when you could go up to the mic and say your story about being bullied, being the perpatrator, the ally, or the bystander. At first Troy told us his story, and then some upperclassmen told theres...and then it was are turn. I was really nervous but I knew that if I didn't go up I would regret it, so I did. I told the story about when I got bullied in 7th grade. I was crying when I finally got my chance to talk, It was a really hard thing for me to do. Even listening to other peoples stories was sad, I think just about the whole auditorium was in tears. It was a wonderful day, I felt like it brought this half of the freshman class closer to each other. I really enjoyed it.
For those of you going tomorrow, wear comfy clothes and get ready for some tears. I think that anyone who is thinking about going SHOULD go, it was a great experiance and I feel a lot better now that I got some things off my chest


  1. thanks for the info... i'm kinda excited for tomorrow...

  2. i wasn't in the first half, so i missed hearing your story. i'm actually really disappointed.

  3. what happened in 7th grade? i didnt go to ur schol.

  4. I think that its really brave of you to talk about what happened. I went to your school, but never really knew what was happening till after the fact. I hope that going up there really has helped you... I hope that I can have as much courage as you did.

  5. Thank you so much anonymous, that actually means a lot. It did help, and I hope it also brought awareness to other people going through/went through similar things, that we are not alone
